Geographical location
Huila Department is located in the southern part of the Andean region located between 01 º 33'08''and 03 º 47'32''north latitude and 74 º 28'34''and 76 º 36'47''west longitude. It has an area of 19,890 km2 which represents 1.75% of the country. Bordered on the north by the departments of Tolima and Cundinamarca, on the east by Meta and Caqueta, on the south by Caquetá and Cauca and on the west by the Cauca and Tolima

The Spanish found a territory in which the culture that prevailed then called St. Augustine, other groups that inhabited the region were the Panches, Pijao, Andaki and yalcones. The first conquerors arrived in 1530, ahead of Sebastian de Belalcazar, who arrived from the south and Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada who came from the north. The settlement was subject to fierce clashes with indigenous groups that were eventually exterminated by Spanish troops. During the colonial towns were founded by Indians and mestizos and large cattle ranches were established which became one of the most important of New Granada. The exploitation of rubber led to new roads and towns. The territory became part of the province of Popayan until 1610, when it created the province of Neiva. After independence became part of the Cundinamarca department until 1861, when he and Tolima formed the "big Tolima. In 1905 he established a provisional departmental division in 1910 and ratified definitively.


The most important activity is agriculture, mechanized rice crops also produce sorghum, banana, coffee, cassava, sugar cane, corn and fruit. Livestock is the second source of income and dual-purpose milk and meat. Some are exploited coal deposits, gold, silver and copper. The industry is concentrated in rice threshing. In some municipalities logging is performed as well as oil fields in different localities, which have registered a significant amount of revenue for the country and the department, being an important source of employment and development through oil royalties.

For various reasons, Huila is excellent for tourism, Colombia is the only department that has 5 national parks. All climates and geographical features can be found on these lands.

Archaeological Park of San Agustin Jump Bordones Cascada Chorrillos in El Pital Cave Natural Park Guácharos El Estrecho del Magdalena Represa de Betania Water Box Tatacoa Desert The Nevado del Huila The thermal Rivera (Huila) Petroglyphs in San Francisco The cave of the tiger in Yaguará Neiva, Campoalegre, Pitalito Yaguará, R

ivera, Garzon
Welcome to the department of Huila, a region of great and amazing contrasts south of Colombia, through Central and eastern mountain ranges. It is a territory of about 20,000 km2 in which the visitor will find the perpetual snows which crown the Nevado del Huila, the hot desert area of La Tatacoa, the fertile plains planted with rice in the Magdalena Valley and the mountains, canyons and cliffs where the water flows coming from the Colombian Massif, the star's largest basin. Amid this surprising and geography as part of its landscape of rolling hills and deep canyons, is one of the greatest archaeological treasures of pre-Columbian America: the grand statues of St. Augustine and Isnos. The visitor will be surprised at the strength of the inhabitants of Huila, whose entrepreneurial spirit has been able to generate progress, drawing on the wealth of natural resources.

Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 3 8-118
Nombre: HOSPEDAJE LA ORQUIDEA - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 5 5-28
Nombre: HOSTAL DORADO - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 7 7-11
Nombre: HOSTAL EL CEDRAL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 6 1E-40
Nombre: HOSTAL LA MANSION (HOSTAL LA MANSIÓN ) - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 7 10-65
Nombre: HOTEL AMERICANO - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 5 8-67 Int

HOTEL ARISTI - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 4 2A-07
Nombre: HOTEL CALIFORNIA - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 4 2A-07
Nombre: HOTEL CENTRAL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 3 7-82
Nombre: HOTEL CHICALA (HOTEL CHICALÁ ) - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 6 2-57
Nombre: HOTEL D´KCHE - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 4 7-67
Nombre: HOTEL ESCORIAL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 3 8-16
Nombre: HOTEL GRAN HOTEL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 7 3-25
Nombre: HOTEL LAS DAMAS - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 1I 4-45
Nombre: HOTEL LOS TIMBALES - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 7 3-29
Nombre: HOTEL MARTHA - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 2 9-79
Nombre: HOTEL MONACO - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 16 7-50
Nombre: HOTEL OSTAL SHALOM REAL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 6 1G-38
Nombre: HOTEL PACANDE - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 10 4-39
Nombre: HOTEL SAN JOSE (HOTEL SAN JOSÉ ) - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 2 5-63 Apto 301
Nombre: HOTEL SEPTIMA AVENIDA - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 7 2-21
Nombre: HOTEL SULICAM - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 3 5-51
Nombre: HOTEL TREBOL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 5 1-45
Nombre: LA ESTANCIA HOTEL - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 6 208
Nombre: HOTEL LEMAYA (POSADA ASTORIA REAL ) - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cl 6 1-84
Nombre: HOTEL TUMBURAGUA (PROCONSA HOTEL TUMBURAGUA ) - Ciudad: Neiva (Huila)Dirección: Cr 5A 5-40

Autor: Luis Alberto Osorio
Con la ternurade la tierra míaque me vio nacer,canta mi almacon la dicha enterade un amanecer.
En mi tierra para biencruza un río sin igualque da la vida enteraal labrador,a su maizal,al platanal.
Tierra del almaque te quiero tantocon el corazón,es el alma del Huilatierra de promisión.
Es el Huila mi sentir,doy mi vida por volver,a mi tierra queridacantarle con placer